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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Focus On What Matters

Focus on Gratitude

Axe Throwing At Adventure Park in Fairfield CT

I love axe throwing. I have been to the one indoor in Bridgeport but heard about the new outdoor one at the Adventure Park and wanted to try it out. It is more expensive per lane but you can have up to 5 people and when you break it down per person it is less expensive. 

It’s set back in the woods. You have people zip lining over your head. It’s entertaining. They just opened this up so ask for some feedback and of course I provided it. Overall it was nice to be outside. You work up a sweat throwing so being outside is much more comfortable. We were able to use all three lanes since we were the only people there. 

Growth & Positive Energy

When You Love The Person For Who They Are

Today’s Affirmation

Happy First Day Of School

Wishing all the parents, kids and teachers good luck on their first day! This year just learn to have extra patience as we all try to figure it all out. Stay safe and be sure to enjoy it too!

Do What Makes You Happy

Sept 8th

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