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Sunday, September 22, 2019

You’re Enough

Growing Up In The 80’s

Women Don’t Let Everyone In


What Needs Healing?

Every time you react a wound is triggered. Be sure to tap in to understand what part of you needs healing. 

I have work to do too. We all do. Heal yourself to live a simple, happy, calm and peaceful life. 

She Is...


Beach House Goals

It’s always good to make a goal. This is one of mine. To be able to have a beach house. Wake up and hang by the ocean. Paint. Write. Relax. 

Nothing huge. Just a cute little cape on Cape Cod. A place where I can get away with a companion, my kids, family, friends. A peaceful getaway. 

What goals have you set for yourself?

Don’t Confuse Your Pain or Their Pain

You meet a ton of people and if you’re intuitive you can sense something with them. A lot of times it’s their pain. You always wonder “who broke your heart?” But then someone said something to me that really had me thinking. 

Not all heart break is romantic and guess what it’s true. Some damages we have our not from a companion. Some are from your up bringing or losing someone close to you. Sometimes it’s a missed career opportunity or when life makes a turn in your path. 

We all have healing to do. We all have stuff in us that is hard to process and has affected us so much. Some things we don’t need to fix. Some our just in us. Some become part of us. Make us who we are. 

The journey is to help others and that will help us. When we connect with others we connect with ourselves. 

21 Years Of Friendship...

When you’re friends for this long you always manage to have a good time together. We met in college freshman year. We lived on the same floor. We all then roomed together for three years. We have this special bond. The type that we pick up where we left off when we get together. We picked a spot we could hang that was in between where we all live.  I swear I never laughed so hard and was pretty impressed with how much we could hang. There’s something about having people in your life who are just easy to be around.

We checked out three awesome clubs and popped into karaoke night. We ended the night eating Bobby Flay’s burgers topped with potato chips. We found a new awesome lounge that made you feel like you were under the stars while dancing. 

I haven’t been to a club in so long my friend said. While we waited for the beat to drop this Smokey substance hit the dance floor for a good 5-8 seconds you’re in a cloud cluster. It was so much fun. Welcome back to clubbing I said to her as we laugh hysterical coming out of a cloud of smoke. I could dance every night to this type of music. It’s like in the moment of music filling your body you let go of all the stress in your life. In that moment you’re free and it just does something to me. It’s very therapeutic. 

The DJ was an Alien Theme so these blown up aliens are all over this one club. Was pretty fun and entertaining. 

I don’t gamble much. End of night I said I am going to throw in a $20. Up and down I go. After 15 mins I hit a pot and don’t even know what it is. Up $80 I go and cash out. 

We couldn’t go to bed without hanging by the fire pit  first. So relaxing. 

Girls night away are always the best and a must. We woke up and could not move our legs. The sign of a great night! 

Relationship Goals

What Or Who Are You Holding On To?

I get it I do. But when you don’t have control over a situation you have no choice but to move on. Explore life and see what else is meant for you. The pain stays with you. The love doesn’t go away. It just gets easier everyday. 

It’s funny how our brain and heart can have a disconnect. Like my heart wants something but my brain knows it can’t happen. Yet the pain you feel inside just keeps happening. You can be mentally happy yet your heart makes you cry. I never really experienced it before. I don’t understand it but am trying to process it. 

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A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!