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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

This Too Shall Pass...

Snowman Humor

You Are Not Perfect...You Are Real

I love Bryan Anthony’s designs and this one stood out for me. It’s about us being real. So what we are all a little broken. We are put back together after the fact. With character, experience and wiser. We got out of some real crappy situations and came out even better than we were before. Imagine if we didn’t. Imagine staying someplace you didn’t want to be. That to me is harder and more sad than embracing change and enjoying your journey.  Kind of empowering and extremely rewarding. 

I Think It’s Time To Grow

Holiday Light Fantasia in Hartford

Learn more here

Be Kind

You never know what people go through or deal with. Some mornings you just want to restart. Be kind. 

December 10th Connect Within

2019 Was About Lessons

Shed Those Layers

One thing I learned this year was to analyze my triggers or why I react how I do. It’s been a huge growing stage for me. Buried pain or anger has come to surface. I am more aware and calm. I am able to have conversations without it escalating. I am able to feel. 

When unbecoming you face your flaws. I know people don’t want to do that but it’s important. It’s important because you realize all along the layers was covering up your true self. You were moving along life just getting by. You were moving along life without being true to your true self. 

It’s not a pretty process. I will be honest. You have to dig up some painful stuff that you put away but then you become lighter. Easier. You can process and not react to things like you once did. 

Take a step back. Take a time out. Regroup. 

Happy Taco Tuesday’s


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