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Friday, March 6, 2020

Did You Know Meat Vs Veggies...

Today’s Affirmation: Embrace the Changes

Today’s Joke Of The Day

Happy Friday! Be sure to ask your kids this. 

March 6th Live in the Present

Be Grateful For Your People

No it’s not a coincidence! It’s part of your plan and journey. Appreciate and cherish and respect your people. Your tribe. Your go to. The ones who love you and make you laugh and smile and be hopeful. Those are your people. 💗

How You Feeling? Been Feeling Good!

Back in January I had a bit of a wake up call from my Thyroid Doctor. I wrote about it here 
“Leave it to the Specialists” 

Where I thought I felt great but my levels were NOT good at all. So after a good yelling I received I took her serious and did exactly what she told me to do. 6 weeks later my levels are amazing and I graduated to seeing her in 6 months. 

Plus side: I feel great. Down side: I am alternating between two dose amounts everyday. So this takes some paying attention on my part. 

I learned a great lesson from this. 
1-Always Listen to your specialist
2-Always pay attention to your body
3-No one has it easy even when things are good you need to constantly work at it 

I hope you too are feeling amazing!

Happy Friday Peeps!


Spring Ahead This Weekend

Be Yourself Always

Friday Tip For Change

It’s so silly. I know. And simple. Trust me. But I read a book once that said little changes in the morning alter your whole day. Imagine that?!

So they said when you wake up and roll out of bed stand on your two feet at the same time and....

Make Your Bed 

Yeah yeah we know. But really I swear I do now every morning. Most mornings I make mine and all the kids too. I know not ok but really make your bed. It’s so simple but a little step like that makes a huge difference and honestly a made bed makes the whole room look cleaner. 

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A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!