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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dating Humor: As Single As They Come

Oh the joys of being single. I saw a friend who asked if I want to remarry. Of course I do. I want companionship. I want someone everyday to wake up to and to love me and I love them. I want to choose them everyday and they choose me. Where they have no doubt in their mind and when they see me I make their heart and souls happy. I want to give them something to look forward to. Maybe I am a hopeless romantic. Maybe I believe that we shouldn’t settle.  But for now I will just stay single until my future significant other appears. 

Laughter...It’s So Good For You!

Find those people. You know the ones who make
you laugh and make life a little better. Yeah those people. Hold on to them!

This Has Nothing To Do With You...

This is a reminder so you can have peace within that most of conflict that was reflected on to you had nothing to do with you. 

Crazy right? Well it’s true. Now we are not perfect. I will be the first to admit it. Even though I like to believe I am almost perfect...just kidding. 

This took me a very long time to understand. I tend to want to fix people. You know “let’s just be happy and live this magical life” well it wasn’t happening and I couldn’t understand why. I couldn’t understand if I loved you and was good to you that should be enough and make you so happy. 


Because even though I am happy with myself we all have internal demons. We all have issues that we need to resolve. I can’t do that for someone. I can’t heal you if you don’t want to be healed or don’t even recognize you need healing. 

I have a friend who I swear I can predict the outcome of their life and no matter what I say they don’t have enough courage in them to make a change to get their happiness. I don’t get it. But I can’t change it for them. It just makes you feel bad because deep down they want to escape but aren’t strong enough to. 

I know people who still suffer from pain from
their childhood and up bringing. They haven’t healed. I know people who have been rejected by their significant other and now it’s hard to trust and let people in. 

We all need healing. Me included. It’s an everyday struggle and goal but reality is majority of people’s fights and outbursts and arguments have nothing to do with you. It’s their own internal fight projected on to you.  

Did You Know: Are They Really Happy?

Let’s Talk About This...

I wrote about this before here. It’s called validation. It’s not talking people out of how they feel. It’s validating them so they feel heard and understood. Your feelings are never wrong. It’s how you feel. Once people accept and validate that your feelings are real that’s when you can be at peace. It’s a process. Not easy to do but try it next time. It’s a huge step to making someone feel important. We all want to be heard and understood. We all want our feelings to count. Not to be dismissed, made fun of or told they aren’t important. 

Feel Good Song: Saying Goodbye by Dave Matthews

Reveal The Best Version of YOU!

Don’t change anyone. Bring out the best version of them. 

Feel Good Song: Pursuit Of Happiness- Remix

It’s Ok For Things To End...

We get caught into this need of pleasing others. Then it hits us. That one day we say what about me. What about what I need. What about the love I deserve. Why am I just settling or just getting by. 

That’s when you let people go and take control of your life. 

Happy Taco Tuesday!

Because regular Tuesdays are boring. I mean did anyone ever like Tuesdays? But now that they added Taco to it we now have something to look forward to on Tuesdays. 

Where’s your favorite Taco Tuesday Spot?

Blame It On The Retrograde Humor

Happy Anniversary Evaritos

Evaritos one year anniversary celebration is on Wednesday July 24th. 

Today’s Goal: Love Yourself First...

Have respect to your journey and your path. When you look within you learn to no longer settle in life. When you love your core you’re not willing to just get by in life. You seek adventure and passion and  won’t waste time on who ever doesn’t respect you like you should be respected. 

Tuesday Motivation...The Signs Were Always There

The universe always has your back. Remember that. 

You Only Can Control How You React

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