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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Just Trying Our Best

I think people don’t get it. I remember feeling like this. It’s overwhelming. Have to smile and keep it together yet have so much responsibility and duties. Yeah it’s a blessing yet it’s tough as hell. So do me a favor cut your wife or spouse or sibling or friend or mom some slack. This role is hard as hell. 

Everyday You Make A Choice

Christmas Present Humor

Hysterical and true. Every couple hours the present pile goes down because I organize it but the kitchen must remain clean. 

It’s All About Character

I love this. It’s so true. Ever meet someone and feel like you have known them forever. Then people you knew forever feel like you don’t even really know. It happens and it’s ok. 

We cross paths with other people to learn. Not just about them but for ourselves. They bring out the good in us a side no one ever could. It’s a beautiful thing. Sometimes the lessons are for us to change. Sometimes it’s for them. Regardless it’s temporary. Things always do come to an end so embrace the time you have with them. It’s a unique experience yet one that sticks with you for a lifetime. 

Twin Flame


December 26th You’re One Of A Kind


It’s Very Simple


What Are You Holding On To?

Apply Your Lessons

It’s all about growth. A big time change. Major improvements. Major growth. What we learned in 2019 we will apply in 2020. 

December 26th Be Spontaneous

Start your morning and day with a little change. Spontaneous fun. Something different. Trust me it helps you smile all day. 

Thursday Vibes

Let’s be real. We do have expectations. But then those change. You have to be able to adapt. You have to be able to accept and move on. It’s not easy nor always fair but I learned one thing this week. I was out with a friend and I learned never change. Be you. Always. Your true self. Those who love you will appreciate it. Those who don’t appreciate it aren’t meant to have you in their life anyway. 

We are all going to have disappointments in our life. It’s normal. But what you do with those disappointments is up to you. 

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A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!