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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mirror of One's Self

I have been lucky in my life to be around good people, good loving people who have my back, enjoy my company, love me for who I am and bring out the best in me. Like you and everyone else I have also been around people who's action hurt, bring out the bad in others and look for someone to blame to avoid conflict with one self. The funny thing is those who hurt others really hurt deep down themselves. I know it is easy to say let it go, brush it off, turn the other way but people need to know that althought two wrongs don't make a right people will not forget when you hurt them and others see it.

I feel like at this point in my life I've seen so much and am amazed at how much human kind thrives on competeting with others, hurting others and trying to look better than someone else. Reality is we all have to face ourselves, our actions, and live with the person we are. Step back and see the person you have become and you be the judge of who you really are!

“We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions.” Quote by Ian Percy

Friday, February 26, 2010

Definition of Trust

Definition of Trust as a verb:
To have or place confidence in; depend on.
To expect with assurance; assume: I trust that you will be on time.
To believe: I trust what you say.
To place in the care of another; entrust.
To grant discretion to confidently: Can I trust them with the boat?
To extend credit to.

As I get older I tend to keep people in even if I can't trust them. Sometimes it isn't by choice. As you can tell there are many definitions to the word trust. But once it is betrayed how easy is it to gain back.

My Mom always said never to trust anyone 100% and to remember anything you say out loud can and will one day be used against you so if you ever think someone is trustworthy of what you may say to them think again.

I will be 30 this year so I am too young to know what the future holds but I am old enough to know I do not like the feeling of being around someone I can't trust. They say "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," but who has the energy for that. I guess we all have to set boundaries as to what we find to be acceptable and unacceptable. I guess I am in the process of setting up mine.

One lesson in life is that you can only get hurt if you allow someone to hurt you. So should you walk this earth alone to prevent getting hurt, or do you let someone in and expect the good times to heal the bad! No one knows! I'll leave this post with a quote that summaries what life is really like:

“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy” Walter Anderson quotes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Deal Finder

CVS has jumbo pack Pampers on sale for $22 and you'll get $3 CVS Bucks back.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fell In Love

*It must be the way she wobbles down the hall that makes me love her, or the way she drinks her baba.* I love the way she says MaMa and laughs at all the silly faces I make.* I remember this little angel kicking away in my belly, 15 months later she melts my heart with every new word she says. *I can't imagine how much more love I could feel for her as she grows older.*I can't help but smile everytime I look at her.* I must say I had the greatest joy to fall in love twice in my life- the first time with my husband, the second with my little girl.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My new philosophy on life..."Nobody said it was easy!"

I picked up my the baby from my mom's got home, grabbed the mail, started dinner, made my daughter raviolis, she wouldn't eat them, I made her chicken soup she turned her face, I went to put the chicken in the oven and realized it was never turned out, I let the dogs out, cooked my side dishes, put wood in the stove, let the dogs in, and took out the cranberry sauce from the fridge watched as the container slipped out of my hands and onto the floor, yelled as the dogs came licking the ground and just when I was about to snap I started to sing in my head. "Nobody said it was easy!" And let me tell you it made me laugh!!!! 

Life really isn't easy and why should it be. We want more, we do more, we add stress to our lives when it really isn't neccessary. I didn't have to cook three meals tonight, my daughter didn't need to have a selection, I don't have to work as much as I do, I realize that everyone has a full plate. We all run against the clock. I catch my self gasping for air and I do it to myself. I look back on all the stressful events I have gone through and the key word is "gone" through. I survived them, and I will survive the others. I just need to slow it down and when times get to hard and when I feel like I just may snap, I'll have to remember to sing  those 5 simple words again: NOBODY SAID IT WAS EASY.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Spank or Not to Spank

I grew up in a household that felt spanking was ok, until I became the parent. My parents were young when they had children and seemed to grow up with us. Now that I have a daughter I've decided not to spank. I know friends/family who do and I am not here to judge but I do think we need to consider the following when disciplining our children.
  • Kids who get hit will hit
  • Spanking is easier than taking the time to discipline
  • Giving a time out takes patience
Kids who get hit will hit- It's true! It is our natural instant to hit when we are upset but if we teach our kids that if they do something we don't like they'll get spanked then when someone does something aren't we sending them the message that it's ok for them to hit too!

Spanking is easier than taking the time to discipline- If my daughter does something wrong I normally tell her to stop, if she continues I count to three, and if that still doesn't work I put her in a time out. Which she fights it until I put her in her pack and play, close the door and walk away for a minute. I go back explain to her what she did wrong and make her say sorry. I then hug her, kiss her and tell her I love her. When you spank, you spank and end of story.

Giving a time out takes patience-Yes, she usually climbs off the chair, laughs, jumps up and down, until I sit infront of her and explain to her what she did was wrong and why.

So moral to all of this... Spanking is easier, less effective and doesn't connect to the what the real issue is. Don't take that short cut. Take the time to explain, reinforce and remind children what they did was wrong and why it was wrong. It takes more time but you'll feel better once you do it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Meatballs and Cheerios

My daughter loves cheerios and anything with sauce on it! When in doubt give her cheerios and she will be one happy munchkin. Well today I was feeding her meatballs for lunch- which she loves I must say and I was pretending to eat them when I stuck a meatball in my mouth and to my great surprise felt a little crunch in it. YEP! There was a cheerrio stuck to it! YUCK! I should have known better than to eat off her plate! Buon Appetit!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Toddler Days

My baby girl went from this little baby to a toddler that loves to throw her toys, turn the TV on and off and on and off and on until I get upset, give the dogs her food and climb stairs. How funny is it that no matter how many toys she has she must play with the remote control, my cell phone and open every cabinet door in the house! I always find her in her crib with all her toys thrown on the floor, pants off and socks no where to be found. She pulls every bow, barrette and clip out of her hair and rolls around the bed when I try to change her. I can't help but laugh while I am writing this. She is a character and just two months ago she was learning how to walk!

But the best part about of having a new toddler is that I have a little buddy. We go to the store and share samples, we laugh at funny, silly things and she even gives me a kiss, well air kiss, every once in a while. I know we won't always be friends and I know as she gets older things may get tougher but I want to try to enjoy every minute of this! For now I'll enjoy doing things with my little side kick!

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