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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Everything Teaches You Something

March 11th Keep Moving

What’s Being Strong Really Mean?


Create a Positive Direction

The choice is yours!

Create Your Day!

I love my life. I do. It’s not perfect. But it’s awesome. I love being a mom. I love my family. I love my friends. I love the people I am around. My life is spontaneous. Doesn’t mean spending money. Means spending time with people out of no where. Spontaneous fun. 

My love sign has always been spending time with me. Words are ok but show me you enjoy my time. Even if it’s just for a couple of hours or for a walk or lunch whatever. I enjoy the life I have and continue to be grateful for it. 

The other day I went walking with friends. My friend says Jay is glowing because she’s happy. My other friend he said Jay is always glowing. 

It’s not because I am perfect. Nope. A lot of changes still to make and happen. But I am happy. Calm. At peace. 

I created my life. No one else to blame. It’s how I wanted it. I love it. 

You do the same you created your life and if you’re not happy make changes. I have. It helps. It matters. You are the creator of your life. Everyone in it is because your mind set for it. Everyone out you made it happen. Everyone out is because you didn’t want to make room for them or needed them or they didn’t add value as to what you wanted. Some may have held you down or made you feel insecure. Forget that. You don’t need that. Change your life. You’re the creator. 

We Are All In This Together

I was hoping it wouldn’t have gotten out of hand but it did. Now it’s teaching and reminding and tell everyone to just remain calm and wash your hands and to not panic. 

When the world around you is falling apart it makes it hard to ignore it. When your family calls from
Italy to say the cities have been shut down. It’s all so surreal. I pray you and your families remain safe and healthy. Have faith that we all will get through this and wash your hands. Don’t touch your face and have faith in what’s meant to be will be. 

Feel Good Song: Helium

Take Care Of YOU!

Every Fall Makes You Stronger

“You have already been through so much just enjoy the process now.”

Best advice I received. 

Honesty is the Best Policy

Communicate. Even when it’s difficult. Even when you don’t want to address an issue but have to. I knew people married for most of their lives who still can’t communicate well. What’s up with that? What are you avoiding?

Think of all the things you could be enjoying and clarifying if you just addressed these issues. Be real with eachother. 

Hey Girl...Smile

March 11th Be Simple

Wednesday Vibes

Don’t waste time on your thoughts. Just go with it. 

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A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!