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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Have a Little Faith In Yourself Quote

"Change is hard, but also not knowing what you want is harder. Always have faith in yourself that you will do what you need to do regardless of what other's think you should do! At the end of the day it's your happiness that should guide you."

Monday, February 20, 2012

All Dogs Go to Heaven

Today I lost a very special animal, my family dog Toto. He was the cutest little long haired Chiwawa and only 12. It's crazy how losing a pet can feel like you lost a family member!

My daughter is only 3 so it is funny how you never know how to tell her about death. I explained that he had to go to heaven because he was sick but he'll always be with us. It's also crazy how the other dogs know he is no longer here.

I personally have two dogs and sometimes it feels like having two more children, and that is just what they are. Animals are our children and look at us to protect them, provide for them and nurture them. No one wants to see an animal go but when they are in pain and you know you can no longer help them you have to learn to let them go.

It was a very rough day for all of us but one person said it well. "All Dogs Go to Heaven." And I know he is running around up there!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston

Reports state we lost an amazing singer today, Whitney Houston. So young, so gifted, so talented, so sad! May her soul rest in peace and her music live on forever!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Laughter & Life Quote

"A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life." Hugh Sidey

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Never Too Late...

We all reach a point in our life at one time or another when we wonder "Is this really it?" When that happens we usually have reached a point in our life when our everyday routine isn't fun anymore or enjoyable, when our emotions become a little stale and we dread our every day lifestyle. It is like when sleeping becomes more fun then waking up and when things that used to excite us don't anymore. I know sounds depressing right!? Well when we reach that point it's a HUGE WAKE UP call for us to make a change.

Change is hard, believe me I know. We are accustomed to routine and change makes us uncomfortable. But when you take that first step, that HUGE step towards making a change then things seem to get a little easier.
Recently my husband decided to go back to school. Although I gave him that extra push to go it was a change for me as well. I know we'll be spending a lot of time without him and I will be spending nights alone but I am super excited for him. At first it was very hard for him and frustrating but now he is getting the hang of it and we are both getting used to the new routine.

We keep thinking life is what we make of it, but the reality is we need to make changes in order for things to get a little better. We are in control of our lives. I again want to emphasis how hard change is and no one wants to deal with it but most of the time change is for the better!

So remember "It's Never Too Late to Be What You Want to Be!"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Coping with Conflict Quote

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.” Similar Quotes

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blind to Reality Quote by Dalai Lama

"When we are angry we are blind to reality. Anger may bring us a temporary burst of energy, but that energy is blind and it blocks the part of our brain that distinguishes right from wrong. To deal with our problems, we need to be practical and realistic. If we are to be realistic, we need to use our human intelligence properly, which means we need a calm mind." Dalai Lama

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