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Friday, April 26, 2019

Always Be Kind

Fortina Food Truck This Weekend

Laugh At The Little Things

I stopped into a doctors office for a yearly follow up. As I was waited a cute elderly couple walks in. The wife checks in while the husband takes a seat. After she approaches him like they were not together. 

“Oh hello how are you?” She asks him “Fine not much to complain about not that anyone would listen anyway”. She takes a seat next to him and starts laughing. They flirt a little and then the nurse comes to get her. As she walks in front of her husband he’s rubbing her back. 

I couldn’t help but smile. 

Love like that is my goal. That silly banter. Sarcastic love. The one that comes naturally. Not forced. Where age isn’t a factor. Where you two still understand one another’s humor. 

Be A Student

Brewport Blood Orange Blonde Day May 5th

You Set The Tone For How You’re Treated

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