We did so much. I feel like a huge success for accomplishing my search to do new things with them. We went to Dinosaur place, Pez Factory, Visited Chatham Mass during our vacation in Cape Cod. Stayed at a new hotel in Mystic during our weekend getaway. Played at new playgrounds and parks. Tested out new splash pads. Went strawberry picking. Had them meet Raggedy Ann. Had them try new restaurants. Had BBQs. Did countless play dates with our amazing clan of mommy friends. The list can keep going.
If I could I would do it all over again.
It was days full of fun while I worked and made sure the house stayed clean for showings. They bring this life out of me. They fill me with energy and fun and make me smile. I don't want it to end. They are like my three best friends and I am blessed to watch them grow everyday.
Parents I know at times it's rough. I know lack of sleep sucks. But truly take the time to spend with your children. Love them. Play with them. Make them feel special. My oldest is starting 2nd grade- time flies by. You can't get these days back. Make memories, help them grow by trying new things.
School won't teach them everything. We are their true teachers.