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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

In The Spirit of Christmas

In the spirit of Christmas take the time to cherish not just the presents but the beauty of the day. We spend months and lots of money and time for this holiday that it's easy to overlook the beauty in it.

The little things that make the spirit of Christmas magical!

All I Want For Christmas...

Thyroid problems or no thyroid problems I think this applies to every Mother!

Pay It Forward

I went to grab a coffee today and donuts for the kids at Donut Delight in Norwalk. When I went to pay the cashier said I was all set. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. She said the car infront of me paid for my order. I was in shock and immediately said "that's awesome. I would like to pay for the car behind me." She looked at me and said "you're awesome for that. Merry Christmas."

You keep hearing about "pay it forward" and it really does brighten someone's day. Granted the car behind me cost me only $4, the gesture shows that there are good people still out there that do good not expecting anything in return. 

Pay It Forward and see how rewarding you feel after!

Holiday Crafts With Children Handprints

I always wanted to be an elementary school art teacher when I was younger so when it comes to doing crafts with my children I Absolutely love it.

Every year I try to create some keepsakes for the children grandparents and for me. I love looking at past crafts that we did. It's really a great bonding experience with your children. Yes it takes patience but also you are creating great memories. 

Each child had a different craft. We did a reindeer using hands and a foot for the face. We did a wreath where I used the baby's hands and then I painted a bow on it. Then we did a reindeer out of a hand and Santa's sleigh out of a foot. Of course I need to thank Pinterest for the great ideas. 

Which Holiday Crafts will you be creating with your children this year?

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