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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cherish the Friendships in Your Life Quote

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life." Richard Bach 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learn From Your Mistakes Quote

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Henry Ford

Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh Baby...1st Trimester Cures

Being pregnant the 2nd time around is definetly hard. I want to work out, cook dinner, clean my house, grocery shop without feeling like I need to crawl into bed at 8:00. I love living an active lifestyle but being pregnant and busy does not always go so well together. My lil one has been awesome. If I need a break she'll cuddle up with me and watch T.V. or we'll read together. She is fine with staying home after a busy weekend or having quiet time after a long day. This 1st trimester was a little tough so I am so glad to see it come to an end.

Some of my favorite things that has helped me get through the1st trimester are:

  • Seabands: Yep, I walked around for almost 6 weeks wearing this bands and trust me they really work. They helped me out so much with my nausea I highly recommend them. I didn't look the coolest but when my lil one insisted she wanted to wear bands two and put scrounches on her wrists I knew I was pretty cool in her eyes.
  • Ice pops: This summer has been so hot and humid that an ice pop here and there totally helped do the trick with cooling off while staying hydrated.
  • Body Pillow: I bought an imitation one with my first pregnancy and promised myself I would get the real deal when I got pregnant again. At 6 weeks I started sleeping with this pillow and love it. Even my lil one asks to lay with it all the time.
  • Cucumbers & Tomatoes: Thank goodness for fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. I ate these twice a day. So refreshing and healthy too. Lucky me I would get these fresh from my parents and my garden. Plus cucumbers are good if you had too much salt.
  • Cinnamon: This was great for when I felt nauseous! I would buy cinnamon hard candies or have cinnamon toast. It really helped.
Being pregnant has it's ups and downs but when you realize you have a little baby growing inside of you all your worries, and complaints seem to dissapear! Cheers to have a healthy pregnancy!

Create Happiness...Don't Wait For It Quote

"Don't wait for someone to bring you happiness, go out there and create it yourself!"

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Lil One is Going To Be a...

My Baby Brother or Sister Will Be Here March 2013

Don't Take Things for Granted Quote

“Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.” Betty Smith

Friday, August 17, 2012

Feel Good Song: Jason Marz: Won't Give Up On Us

Everyone wants to find that one special person that they feel they are meant to be with forever. The key is once you find that person be good to that person, cherrish that person, love that person. Nothing is forever and enjoy every moment when you can!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Best In You Quote

"Some people will bring out the best in you, others the worse. Stray away from those who bring out the worse and embrace the ones that help show your best!"

Love, Experience, Fun...

Social Media is filled with funny quotes, silly games and inspirational stories. The other day I was on Facebook and a friend posted a word search. The concept was to write down the first three words you could find in the word search. Those three words represent what you want out of life. The first three words I saw were Love, Experience and Fun. At first I was a little set back, yes I know this is a silly game but it really did make some sense to who I am.

I'm a lover. If fairy tales were real then in my past life I lived one. I was meant to be married with kids.  I yearn for love, companionship and happiness. That was always who I was. I would pick a happy marriage and children over having a big success career with lots of money. Since I could remember I never wanted those things. I did want a good job, but was not willing to sacrifice love for a big career. People who say if they got divorced or widowed would not remarry, I probably would, although I do love my husband with all my heart and soul, I am not the type of person who likes to be alone. Love gives you a sense of security. Being in love makes me happy and brings out the good in me. I mean reality is don't  we all want someone to love!

Although I am not a huge adventurous person I do love to go through and learn about different experiences of life. I have a dear friend who always asks how I go through life always with a smile. It's about experience. Experiences make you stronger. Whether good or bad you become stronger and a better person. I love trying new food and restaurants. I love meeting people. In my old age I've been more comfortable in doing things whether alone or with someone. Every journey in life is an experience, yes there are some experiences I would love to forget but then there are others that help built who I am today.

Who doesn't like to have fun?? I am the girl who needs to go out at least once a week. Whether to dinner or out  with friends, or to a movie, something fun. I need to do something and have fun at least once a week. I tried staying in and caught myself looking to do something fun on a Tuesday night. I love surrounding myself with people who make me feel good, who aren't jealous or competitive and like having fun!
Life is about having fun. There is always so much on our shoulders and responsibilities that if we do not stop and have fun once in a while or once a week then what is the point! Enjoy life and doing the things that make you happy!

If you could play the word search what 3 words do you think would represent what you want out of life?

Love Quote

"Some people care too much, I think it's called Love." Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Make Your House a Home

Having a house is a ton of work, there's always something to do, and at times it's a big money pit.  I've been on a big home project kick and I realized minor changes can really make your house feel like a home and make all that hard work worth it.

Minor Changes Big Results to Make Your House Feel Like a Home:

  • Give them a room: Every kid should have a room, besides their bedroom to play in. If you have the room make it happen. Even if you have to split your own living room to make it happen then do it. Put a fun area rug in there, toys, an easel, a little table. Make it "their" room. That way their toys do not end up all other the house AND they have a place to play in that is not their bedroom. If you can make sure that room does not have a T.V so they really end up playing.
  • Pictures: I love pictures. I have a ton of frames and pictures all over my house. They all kindof tell a story about who we are. Since the day I moved into my Cape I knew I wanted pictures hanging on the wall along the stair case. Finally I had my hubby hang 25 frames on one side of the wall and I love love love it! Every morning when we wake up and walk down the stairs we are surrounded by great memories that we always cherished. It's a great way to start our day.
  • Storage: We all throw stuff in storage and forget about it. My storage had boxes still from college from when I first moved in with my husband 10 years ago. So I sent the man of the house out to buy new plastic bins, 10 big ones,  and we spent a weekend going down memory lane while labeling and organizing our storage space. With the unneeded items we are going to do a tag sale in the Fall.
  • Curtains: I hate curtains, the reason I hate curtains is because they can be so expensive and can really make or break a room. I love sunlight and big windows. After 7 years I changed the look of my curtains in all the rooms and  house looks completely different and I love it. No need to go nuts on prices., and even have great prices!Make sure to order through your account to get cash back.
  • Under $20 tips: Flowers, candles, even new doormats make a room feel different and give a different look to them. Put new bathroom towels with colors to add brightness to the room. Add decorative pillows to make couches look more fancy. Simple yet cheap items can really add style and comfort to your home.
Most importantly be good to your home and your home will be good to you!

Be a Good Host/Hostess Tips...

We've been going to at least one party a week and I always love how everyone is unique in their own way. My lil one is 3 so I would like to think I do not have a ton of experience with entertaining although the constant friend parties and gatherings don't always count since your friends do not to be entertained. So when I go to a party I love to see how people do things differently. Some things I tend to take note and others I make sure to avoid. Although all the recent parties we have been to were great below are some tips on how to even be a better host:

  • Don't rush your guests: I always think you need to have your apps out for when you guests arrive, serve your main dish within an hour and then dessert but the key to not making your guests feel like they have to leave is leave the main dish on the side while you serve dessert. That way guests can still pick and not feel like after dessert it is time to go.
  • Grill sooner than later: When you go to a party you look forward to the food, not just the company so while your guests are having their apps start your grill. There is nothing worse than knowing your hostess is going to grill and noticing the grill hasn't even been turned on long after the apps have been out.
  • Put things away: Let's face it guests are noisy, don't leave things around you do not want them to see and most importantly when there are kids around put away the toys you do not want them to play with. Kids are rough and accidents happen. Prevent things breaking by putting away things that can easily be broken.
  • Be Prepared: There's always that one guest that needs something that you have not put out. Be prepared and do not get frustrated when they ask for it.
  • Smile, Smile, Smile: Hosts I know throwing a party is a lot of work, you prep days before, clean the house, while the day of are running around to make everything work but take a 10 minute break, smile and mingle with your guests. There is nothing worse then seeing a host or hostess looking miserable, acting snappy towards their spouse and tired at their own party. It makes guests feel like they want to leave as soon as they can. Throwing a party is a lot of work but should be fun as well!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Women Support One Another Quote

"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women,"Madeleine Albright

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Feel Good Song: Yeah Yeah Yeahs by Maps

Live & Be Happy Today Quote

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." Albert Camus

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Feel Good Song: Christina Perri: A Thousand Years

I am I strong believer in past lives and old souls and being connected to one another in different lifetimes. I love this song and believe that this isn't the first time around I was married to my husband, I really believe I've loved my husband for a thousand years.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Peace and Happiness Quote

" As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness." Dalai Lama

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