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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Don’t Settle...Ever

I Love That You Have A Kind Soul But Please Stop

I started to notice a trend. Every time she had an activity and I gave her extra money she was doing kind things for her friends and spending her money. 

“Mom I bought a whole pizza for my group, I ate a slice of it and they had the rest” “Mom I bought her a drink.” “Mom I played one game but had to win my friend a toy too so played for her” “Mom you have extra tickets just give it to my friend”

Finally tonight I pulled her aside at a festival and said enough. I love that you have a kind soul but you have to understand the value of money. 

I get it. When I was 10 I didn’t know concept of money. If my friends wanted something I would offer too or ask my mom. I don’t mind giving a kid a couple of tickets so she can join a ride. But when I am spending $10 or more now and have already three kids to worry about it gets to be a little much. 

I love she has a kind soul but had to break it down for her. I explained how many chores she would have to do to make money or how many hours. 

Recently she asked for an extra $50 for a school trip. That’s spending money. The trip already covered.  Everything else paid for. I said I will give you $40 but please let it last. She said she was thirsty because she used all her money on games and couldn’t afford a drink when I picked her up. 

I wasn’t there to back her up. I felt awful for her but also thought it would be a good lesson for her. 

I realize it’s my job as a parent to help my kids understand it too.

 I also said I had no problem giving extra tickets if  her friend was short on tickets for rides but when I am now giving her friend we ran into 8 tickets for multiple rides that’s when it’s not ok. There has to be a balance in life. No one wants to be cheap or stingy but you also don’t have to offer up money or a whole pizza or tickets unless someone is really in a jam. You do help people when they need it but a child shouldn’t have to focus on that. 

If someone is short a dollar you help. If someoneis hungry   you share your food. One year a friend never had snack so I said pack her extra snack to share with her. We did it all year long. 

If someone is sad you see where you can help. But the last four times I gave her extra money she used it on something else. It’s ok once in a while but not every time. It’s ok to help when people need it and be generous but it’s also ok to not feel responsible for everyone else. 

Cornhole Tournament in Milford CT

I love Walnut Beach. I spent a lot of time here last summer. 

It’s so pretty and clean. This event looks like a lot of fun. Check it out:

How Do You Choose Your Time?

We always have a choice. We give up one thing to gain another. There’s always the same amount of time in a day. We choose what we do with it. Who we spend it with and how it fills our life. 

There’s never a “right time”. It’s the time you want it to be. 

I learned a long time ago you can’t force anyone to make a decision or act a certain way or react. You only have control over you. Your life. Your time. Your happiness. 

You Can’t Force Things....Whatever Happens Happens

Feel Good Song: Not Today



Sono Arts Fest This Weekend Aug 3&4 2019

This is one of my favorite festivals. I love all the vendors and music. Food. The vibe is so fun and creative. It starts Saturday 10-5:00. 

Be sure to go to the parade. We were in it a couple of times. Go to the puppet station and see if they need volunteers to walk and hold up the puppets. 

Feel Good Song: Just Us

You’ll Always Be In The Same Place With Fear

What If I Said The Gain Is Worth The Risk?

Do you have any regrets? NONE

I honestly haven’t. I may have wished I did things differently but always gained from any risk. I had to heal to feel that way. To say I have no regrets. They are all making me better. Smarter. More lovable. More at peace. More independent. 

Nothing I ever risked wasn’t worth the gain. 

When you think this way you can’t have regret. 

August 1st Fulfill Your Life Purpose

Oh Retrograde...Dating App Humor

Feel Good Song: Fade Into You

You Already Have The Answers...Heads or Tails

Happy 1st Of The Month...Happy August

Every month is a new start. A fresh start. Make it a happy one!

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