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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When I was pregnant I really did not have anyone so close to turn to for questions and advice. So now that I had a baby I LOVE sharing my tips and findings with other moms!!

Below is a list of baby MUST HAVES. I am no expert but I promise you will find these all to be very handy and useful!

• Baby Trend Snap Stroller- these are great because they are light weight and easy to store. Remember Mommies that you are most likely going to be doing this alone so you need to be the one most comfortable with it!

Baby Trend Car Seat- this is light and perfect for newborns. This will lock into the Snap Stroller and the slides on the back of the car seat slid right onto the grocery cart. Mom's image carrying this and a 10lb baby- you have to make sure you are comfortable with it.

Nail Filers-Babies nails grow too close to their skin so using a nail clipper can be dangerous. So stock up on Nail Filers- actually one will last you forever!

Sleeveless Onies-These are perfect for the summer for babies or toddlers. Girl’s dresses go perfect with them and baby boy tanks too.

Bundle Me- This is a must! You will hate pulling your newborn in and out of a big heavy snow suit. Instead buy one of these and your baby sits right in it without the need for a jacket or blanket. Plus it is sooo cozy!

• 3 in 1 Shopping Cart Cover- For $25 at Toys R Us you can get a mat that rolls out to be a play mat, high chair cover for restaurants, and cart cover. But it also can be used as a changing mat when you are at restaurants, just take it off the high chair and roll it out as a changing mat. Genius!

Entertainment for Baby Must Haves: Exersaucer, Swing, and Bouncy Seat. Trust me you'll need all three.

Bumbo: Perfect for when baby is starting to seat up and eat cereal.

Avon Moisture Therapy Hand Cream- This lotion is amazing. Babies have very dry skin and since my daughter was born I put this on her. It also helps when they get chapped skin from teething. Remember to always test new products on babies by first applying a small amount to their leg to make sure they do not have an allergic reaction.

Stay Tuned for More Tips!!!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Something to think about...

"Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Meatballs Minus the Sauce

My daughter loves soup. She also loves meatballs. So I decided to do what every mommy would do, I made her meatball soup :)

Some of you may know this as the Italian Wedding Soup, which is funny because I am 100% Italian and have yet to be served this soup at any wedding I have been to. But it is similiar to it. I remember my mom used to make this for my Nonna when she was sick, so now every time I make it I think of her.

It is sooo easy, trust me, it took me more time to clean the pots then to throw this together. So first make the meatballs, make sure you make them bite size. No need to fry them, you can put them in the toaster oven and set it to 375 for 20 minutes until they are golden brown. Then make the soup while this is cooking. Once the meatballs are done add them to the soup. This is when I usually add some pastina or orzo. Let it cook for 20 minutes and ta da! Meatball soup to soothe any baby, toddler or mommy's appetite!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Start Focusing on the things You CAN Change

We tend to cause more drama and stress in our life then for what it's worth. I believe if we all start to focus on the things we CAN change and let go of the things we can't we would be a little bit happier in life.

EX:On the way home from dinner tonight there was a car infront of me that kept driving towards the cars in the other lane. The only thing I could do was beep to try to wake the driver up to prevent them from getting into an accident. Was it scary, yes, could I do anything to prevent something bad from happening besides honking my horn, no. Thankfully they pulled off the road.

EX:When my husband and I were getting married we had to go to a pre-cana wedding course. I'll never forget when they told us that "noise"- which they mean drama,stress, fueds, out side of our house and marriage is considered to be static- static that causes tension and stress that is not in our control, therefore we should not let it our affect our marriage. 

Life is kind of like that in general. How much "noise" and "static" do you have in your life that you directly have no control over and can not fix? I am sure if you think about it's a lot more than you think. So start today by letting it go, start today by focusing on the things WE have control over, DIRECT control over and everything else just let it go. Because the reality is that life is too damn short for drama, and if it isn't mine or if I can't change it then I don't want any part of it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Make Time For "Mommy" Time

I can't emphasis enough how important it is for Mommies to make time for themselves.

When you first have a child you go through a period of time where you feel you have to be with your child 24/7; you have to be the one to wake up in the middle of the night, you have to be the one to always change their diaper, feed them, and run to them when they cry. We put SO MUCH pressure on ourselves. Then that phase fads out a little. But one thing we all go through is a lose of identity. We put all the things we enjoy on hold to be a full time Mommy. And I want to tell you all that it is OK to still give yourself a little "Mommy" time. Actually, I feel it is extremely important to give yourself a little “Mommy” time.

Pick up a hobby, activity or even once a month something you enjoy alone, to prevent going in sane. Why not gain a little of your identity back. Why not do the things you always loved. Just because we are Mommies doesn’t mean we have to give up 100% of who we are, what we want to be, what we enjoy.

By doing this you’ll be less stressed, enjoy the time you have with your child/children and feel good about yourself. SO please, whether you’re a new mom, or a mom of teenagers, please do something for yourself. Start with once a month, give yourself a chance to gain yourself back, feed your soul.

I promise you’ll love it once you do it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mommy on a Mission

It is time to say good bye to the 10lbs that has been by my side since I have had my daughter.  It's been fun but now is the time to say good bye :) It refruses to let go but I am finally cutting my ties and have joined a gym. 

Yep, that's right, I am going to attempt to get rid of the last 10 lbs that I am still carrying around with me. I figure I better do it now before I get pregnant again.

So today it begins, I apologize in advance to those I may snap at, am crabby to and to my husband for going to bed too early because I am hungry, but today is the day to get my hot bod back!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Shop Rite has

Huggies Jumbo Pack for $8.99
Pampers Big Pack for $18.99
on sale this week!


My Daughter is obsessed with Dora, and by obsessed I mean she will wake up and the first thing out of her mouth is DORAAAA, she even calls for Dora in her sleep. Some may find that to be disturbing but I think it is kind of cute.

Two weeks ago she called the nurse at her Doctor's office Dora, which she did kind of look like her. The nurse looked at me funny and said "She just called me Dora." I wanted to laugh but said "Take it as a compliment, she LOVES Dora!"

So if you walk into my house you'll notice she has the Dora couch, toy box, dolls, PJ's, sippy cups, bathing suit, tapes, guitar, blocks, calendar, luggage, blankets, beach towel, beach bag... oh my now I am a little disturbed ha,ha.

But hey, I guess her obession could be worse, it could be of those stupid Yo Gabba Gabba characters that make me cringe at the site of them. At least Dora and her monkey buddy Boots- like who doesn't have a monkey buddy named Boots, and her talking map and backpack are enteratining and she is learning a 2nd language, the other day she said Holla and Ariba! So everytime she calls out for Dora instead of MaMa I just have to laugh.

Christmas Tree Shop

I am IN LOVE with the Christmas Tree Shop. Not sure why but I am. I can spend hours in there and buy a number of things that I don't even really need! I went today with my sister's bridal party and they had EVERYTHING we needed. All in one spot, for a great price and we walked away happy and feeling that we accomplished alot is such a short period of time.

I usually hit the one off in Cape Cod when we go to our yearly summer spot, but the one in Orange and Danbury CT are just as good. Yes, the dollar stores and deal stores are great too but isn't there something about the Christmas Tree Shop- which doesn't just carry things for the holidays-that makes you want to keep going back!

So for all of you who have never been, please go, and for all your shopaholics you must go and get there $1 gardnering kits and $1.69 wrapping paper for about any occasion! Plus they had these 79 cent Dora sandwich bags- yes Dora on them- and they are just too cute for my daughter's snacks or even my husband's lunches (I wonder what his buddies would think.)  Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I noticed I have some new followers and want to say
to the new and old followers.
I blog because it makes me feel good and
I appreicate you taking the time to read what I have to say.

Venting Session

We all need a venting session and as I type that my W key froze, so maybe I should start this with; I need a venting session.

Growing up you always heard parents say you can hurt me and I will be fine but when you hurt my child that is where I draw the line. My daughter is too young to realize if someone is being mean to her or leaving her out. She may not enjoy being around someone if she picks up a weird vibe. But I am begining to feel very overprotective of her and her feelings.
She is an only child, currently, and really doesn't have anyone to play with. When an opportunity arises to have a playdate we love it since she is usually flying solo. But when she has the chance and is left out I can't help but feel a little sad for her.
The idea is for kids to play with one another to build memories, but most importantly to help build social skills, skills of sharing, respecting someone else's feelings and the skills of interacting with peers. I like to watch how she communicates with other children, is she intimated easily? Does she share? ect..

I am a stay at home mom and do work part time but my schedule is so flexible that I often take my child to the beach, park, Stew's-yes still my favorite place. I am sad when I hear someone she could be doing things with does not include her. She is too young to feel the same sadness but one day she will catch on to it and feel it to and I know there is nothing I can do about it but I still am bothered by it.

People say there are two types of people in the world 1- That invites people whether they really want to or not but do it because it is right 2-Doesn't care who they hurt along the way.

The reality is if you are not going to ask me to join in with you and have my child play with yours then it proves you do not enjoy our company which is fine! But to invite family or friends and exclude us is rude, wrong, hurtful and shameful. We are examples for our children and should be showing them the proper example of how to treat others. Remember we do not choose our family, we do choose our friends. We do not leave out someone knowing it will hurt them, because I rather not have that person in my life at all if they think that it is ok to do that. I am ok with shutting them out and being around them when I am obligated to.

One day my child will catch on to this, she will feel left out. I can only protect her as much as possible and it is my duty to teach her to not to do this to others!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Every day can be a Good day!

I am amazed everytime I look at my daughter, I am amazed that this beautiful, little character was once swimming in my belly, and now first thing she says when she wakes up is Dora. I have had bad days, stressful days, busy days when I forget to eat, pee or even forget to return calls. But then I stop, freeze what I am doing and look at this little girl that my husband and I created and it is like a fresh breathe of air and every thing, every thing is good and my day becomes good!

So when your day is bad and I know we all have those days, stop, breathe and enjoy the moment, because everyday can be a good day!

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