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Friday, April 29, 2022

Process of Healing is Feeling

I listen to music as I work. This song came on and it felt like someone punched me in my gut. I was going to change it but decided not to. 

Healing is about feeling. Unburying it all. You can’t hide from pain. You have to face it. 

In 2019 I went through something that broke me. It takes a lot to break me but this situation broke me. My own divorce didn’t even affect me like this did. That’s why I write. If everything was perfect you would have nothing to write. If I write a lot I am overwhelmed if I go silent I am at peace. 

Alanis Morissette best work came after a heartbreak. 

So I listened to the song and I smiled at the end. Because that gut pain didn’t last. That gut pain reminded me I had to go through that to learn to never be in that position again. 

Journeys happen so we can reach a destination where we don’t let the same things bother us or hurt us. I have done years of work to be at peace. My journey today is different than in 2019. I don’t even recognize myself back then. 

You owe yourself the same thing. When something triggers you face it. When you feel pain unbury it. Listen to the song. Write. Cry. I don’t care how you do it. Just do it!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Happy Superhero Day!

What’s Love…

When he heard about bring your kid to work day he came home and told me about it and asked if he could also bring my oldest daughter. I started to cry. It was the sweetest thing he could ever ask me. He has a really cool job and my daughter loves what he does so he felt she would really appreciate it. She’s been so excited and today was the day. 

Love is not only about what people do for you. It’s how they love you. Love your kids. Respect you. How they feel about you. How they look at you as a unity. How they love your kids even if they aren’t theirs. 

His daughter is like my 4th daughter. When we are all together I love her like my own and he does the same with mine. 

You can’t push this. It has to come naturally on its own. We are very lucky we found each other. 

All day I have been smiling. Never ever settle in life. This man taught me that all my journeys was worth it that lead to him! I enjoy every minute with him. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Brews on Bedford in Stamford CT

Learn more here 

You Can Change At Any Time

The old saying “can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is False. 

If you want to change, you can.  If they want to change, they will. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

What’s Growth?

❤️ One thing life taught me was anything not right for me I can set free. At anytime.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Easter Fun Continues

“Mom they feel like family” 

My youngest said that on the way home. My heart melted. It’s true. We all do. We celebrated Easter today with my boyfriend’s family. Corn hole, archery, pin the tail on the bunny, egg hunt and the adults got to do a scavenger hunt which lead to a cool date night basket for the couples. 

His family is great and always so good to me and my girls. We all got really lucky meeting each other. A real connection. Really great people. Love how all our families welcomed everyone in. 

It was the first time my girls did archery. I love how much my boyfriend has patience and enjoys showing them new things to try. By the end of the day they were hitting close to the targets. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Karla’s Kreamery…Coming Soon

She texted me asking if we wanted to try more ice cream…um yes please!!!

We got to try so many awesome flavors. These will soon be available for purchase. We had so much fun sampling them but Corn Pops was our favorite!! 

Next I lived the Lavender Latte- with Vietnamese coffee in it. So fun!!

Love having friends with ice cream benefits 😊

Free Home PickUp in Norwalk

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Traditions…My Favorite Time of Year

I love this time of year!! Palm Sunday is my favorite. I love the palms we get at church.  I love the big Chocolate eggs we hand out for Easter. Inside is a surprise. I sent some to my boyfriend’s mom. She loved it. I wanted her to experience my tradition. 

My mom and sister and made struffoli. Some
make it during Christmas but we always have it around Easter. It’s honey cones. Delicious. My mom adds lemon and orange zest to it. 

I always have my kids on Palm Sunday because it’s my favorite time of year. I think because of the good, warm weather, and the blossom of flowers. Easter is fun. It’s stressless and you can be creative. 

What traditions do you have?

Friday, April 1, 2022

Cheers to 9 Years

It’s my anniversary today. 9 years being cancer free. I remember driving to Yale for my surgery. I was in denial. How could I be going in to have cancer removed from my body. I swore it was a joke. Like a bad dream. 

I will never forget that ride. I will never forget walking in. I was on the table and my neck extended and I saw the light above. I woke up and couldn’t swallow or talk. 

My life at that moment changed. It taught me a lot. BUT it also gave me a lot. I had so many family and friends by my side. I had a newborn at the time and I never was alone. I had someone helping me every step of the way. 

Cancer sucks but it’s not always a death sentence. I was 32. I was young. Looking back it was hard but not as hard as it could have been. Everyday I wake up and take a pill. Sometimes I look at my scar, think how did I get through it but mostly I feel grateful for the amazing doctors I had. For surviving. 

Cheers to 9 years of healing. I feel so lucky. I am so lucky!

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