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Friday, February 26, 2010

Definition of Trust

Definition of Trust as a verb:
To have or place confidence in; depend on.
To expect with assurance; assume: I trust that you will be on time.
To believe: I trust what you say.
To place in the care of another; entrust.
To grant discretion to confidently: Can I trust them with the boat?
To extend credit to.

As I get older I tend to keep people in even if I can't trust them. Sometimes it isn't by choice. As you can tell there are many definitions to the word trust. But once it is betrayed how easy is it to gain back.

My Mom always said never to trust anyone 100% and to remember anything you say out loud can and will one day be used against you so if you ever think someone is trustworthy of what you may say to them think again.

I will be 30 this year so I am too young to know what the future holds but I am old enough to know I do not like the feeling of being around someone I can't trust. They say "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," but who has the energy for that. I guess we all have to set boundaries as to what we find to be acceptable and unacceptable. I guess I am in the process of setting up mine.

One lesson in life is that you can only get hurt if you allow someone to hurt you. So should you walk this earth alone to prevent getting hurt, or do you let someone in and expect the good times to heal the bad! No one knows! I'll leave this post with a quote that summaries what life is really like:

“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy” Walter Anderson quotes.

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