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Thursday, November 18, 2010

We Go Outside?!

My daughter loves to play outside, no matter what the weather is like outside she is constantly asking me to go outside. I noticed that she is repeating me alot too. I have two dogs so I am constantly asking them if they want to go outside. So my daughter's daily new habit is to ask me every morning and after her naps "We go outside?...We go on slide?...We go on swing?" Normally my answer is no not yet it's too cold or it's dark out. But when I do say yes her face lights up and she runs off to get her shoes.

It is funny how relaxing it is for me to play outside with her. Normally we jump around from the baby swing, to the slide, to the kid swing, then the tire swing. She sits on my lap and asks me to sing to her while we are swinging away. It is those little moments I cherish...mommy and daughter hanging out on the swing together and it is sooo peaceful.

She loves to explore too. She will run down the hill and pick up pine cones or play in the leaves. She is totally an outdoors kindof girl. Now that the weather is getting colder once the sun is out we run out there for 20 minutes until I notice her little hands and nose turning red from the cold.

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