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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Easy Dinner-Baked Ziti

I know what you are thinking, "how is baked ziti an easy dinner" well I made it tonight and between making the fresh sauce, cooking the pasta and baking it my dinner was ready in 45 minutes.

  • Can Tomato Puree
  • Box of Ziti
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Onion
  • Mozzarella
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Salt
Marinara Sauce:

In a pot pour olive oil in the pan, saute chopped onion and garlic. Once a little golden add the can of puree. Using the puree can fill it up twice half way with water and add to the pot (by doing this you get the extra puree that is still in the can) add salt simmer for 20 mins.


While sauce is simmering boil water, add salt and pasta. Cook until 'al dente' about 15 mins. Do not over cook pasta since we will be baking it.

Combine sauce in pasta, chopped mozzarella, mix, add in a baking dish which I spray with cooking spray first to make clean up easier. Top with extra sauce, parmesan cheese and shredded mozzarella. Bake at 350 for 25 mins or until sauce is boiling and cheese is melted. YUM!

Serve with garlic bread and salad. See dinner was ready in 45 mins. Enjoy!

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