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Friday, December 17, 2010


I have been so blessed to have two wonderful sisters. As a child you fight, disagree and do not realize how or why you are in each other's lives. As an adult you grow to appreciate one another for each other's differences, flaws, love and support.  We do fight, we do disagree but we bring out something in each other that makes us the amazing people we are.

Our bond is something that makes us realize that no matter what we will never be alone. We tell each other when we are wrong, we cry and laugh with one another. We help each other see what we do not want to see. We bring out the worse and best of eachother. We help eachother grow to be stronger and independent women .  

I love my sisters ,they are my best friends and I am grateful for the wonderful bonds I have with them.
"A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double."  Toni Morrison

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