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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Multitasking- Don't Do It

I multitask all the time. I brush my teeth while I am showering. I empty the dishwasher while I talk on the phone, I even check my email while I am eating. We all do it and I notice as a mother I do it even more but as we all know when we multitask we aren't focusing 100% on the task we are working on. Sometimes we make huge errors that cost us more time to fix it then to actually focus on doing it right the first time.

So I did a little research as to why we should not be doing it:

And of course as I am writing this blog post I am speaking to my husband while checking my blackberry that keeps going off. I need to shut everything out and focus on one thing at a time. Reality is that 9 out of 10 times the things that are distracting us are the least important things we should not be focusing on.

*click on links to read more

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