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Monday, February 21, 2011

Stop, Breathe & Enjoy the World Around You!

My husband usually puts my daughter to bed but tonight I decided to and I must say it was so fun and sad at the same time. She is now in a "big girl" bed and I LOVE it, so does she. Her room is yellow and all the bright colors and butterflies and toddler decorations make her room so cozy!

We were lying in her bed joking around and laughing. I could not believe how much she has grown. I was singing songs with her and cuddling, it was so much fun. And then of course through the laughter came the tears. No not from my daughter but from me. I could not believe this little girl is mine. I could not believe that 26 months ago she was in my belly and now singing songs with me.

I cherish those moments when nothing else matters, when it is her and I laughing and enjoying one another. She is amazing and those last 26 months flashed before my eyes. Here my baby girl, now a toddler, was in a big girl bed, talking away and giggling at the silly things we were saying. It is these moments in life that we need to stop and focus on. Forget work, forget your bills, forget the drama of the world and sit back every day for at least 30 minutes and take it all in. Stop breathe and enjoy the world around you!

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