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Friday, April 12, 2013

Post Partum Funk...Go Shopping

For anyone who's ever had a baby I am sure you can relate to this. You have your beautiful baby and walk out of the hospital excited to be a new mom and to finally work on having your body back. Well if you are like me you don't walk out looking like you never even had a baby. Which btw I so envy those women. Anyway, if you are like me you struggle with what to wear after you have a baby, you think your body will just melt away the 40lbs you put on and look like you did before you even knew you were pregnant. You struggle if you should wear your maternity clothes because they make you look pregnant still yet your pre-pregnancy skinny jeans don't stand a chance yet. So you get into a funk and put on stretchy pants and your husband's tshirt and mope when you look in the mirror to see a pregnancy type body without a baby in it anymore. Yep, I did that alot with my first child and I was determined to NOT do that again with my new baby. Well let me tell you what helped me get out of my post partum funk, I went shopping!

The sweetest smartest thing my mom did after I had my thyroid out was handed me money and said I was going to buy you flowers but thought you may enjoy something else for yourself so go buy something nice. It was such a great gesture that came in handy for me. We had a wave of warm weather and I freaked. None of my clothes fit and I did not want to wear my maternity shirts so one day in my state of I "hate my body" I took the money and went shopping.

Round 1 in dressing room I brought shirts in the size I USED to be...they did not fit. Round 2 in dressing room I brought shirts in the size I WISHED to be... still no luck. Round 3 in dressing room I brought shirts in the dreaded size I actually WAS. Everyone argues that I just had a baby and should not be concerned yet with how I looked but I wanted my single digits back and skinny jeans and tank tops ect... The trip to the store was AMAZING for me. I did not buy expensive stuff but cute stuff that made me feel good getting dressed in the morning until I was able to shed this extra weight.

Ladies do it, go shopping, don't go crazy, but set aside $100 and buy clothes that make you feel good even though you know in a couple of months will be too big for you. I am not saying this to waste money, I am saying this because your body and mind went through so much and NO ONE expects you to look as perfect as you did before you had the baby even though that is what we want. But when you think you look good you feel good and it is worth it.

Plus I got to spend an hour to myself without my kids just to gather my thoughts and do something nice for me. For once do something nice for YOU too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could not agree more! I wish this post was around 7 months ago when I was struggling with the post-baby body issues.

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