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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BRCA Gene Awareness

BRCA Gene testing has been around for quite some time, every year the process becomes easier and easier. Currently in the news Angelina Jolie came forward that she had a recent double mastectomy due to being diagnosed as a BRCA 1 gene carrier. By doing this preventive surgery she decreased her risk of developing Breast Cancer in her lifetime from 87% down to 5%.

In 2005 I tested positive for being a carrier for the BRCA 2 Gene. I decided to get tested because my Grandmother passed away from Breast Cancer and my mother developed it in her mid thirties. Gratefully she has been cancer free for almost 20 years. I had to go to Yale to meet with Genetic counselors, after a  blood test my results came back. At first I was in shock. No one wants to know they are at greater risk and MAY develop Breast and/or Ovarian  and again people must be aware that if you carry a gene mutation it does NOT mean you will develop Breast and/or Ovarian cancer. It just means your risk is greater than a person who does NOT carrier the mutation.

A positive BRCA1 result gives a woman a 60% to 80% lifetime risk of breast cancer and a 30% to 45% lifetime risk of ovarian cancer. A positive BRCA2 result gives a woman a 50% to 70% lifetime risk of breast cancer and a 10% to 20% lifetime risk of ovarian cancer. * Again it does NOT mean you will develop this type of cancer.

After I was tested I had a routine Ultrasound, Mammogram, and MRI. They found a lump in my breast and after a biopsy gratefully my results came back negative. Ever since then every 6 months I get screened. Being Gene positive has allowed me to receive extensive testing as a preventive.

At first the diagnosis bothered me. Being so young every time I had any test done nurses would ask a lot of questions. I did NOT have any trouble getting health insurance but you can have difficulty getting LIFE insurance if you test positive. When I was trying to get pregnant my specialist said that some people have opted to have this Gene removed so their unborn child would not be at risk.

The crazy thing about this is I always go to my doctors appointments and testing for this so when I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer I was so confused. I get mixed answers if being a carrier put me at greater risk of getting Thyroid cancer.

If you or a close loved one has had Breast or Ovarian cancer please speak with your Doctor about finding out if you are a BRCA Gene carrier. When I was tested I had to go to Yale, now my OBGYN does the testing in their office.

My mother left it up to my sisters and me if we wanted to be tested. I chose to and although the doctors appointments could be annoying  the thought that if I were to ever develop this type of cancer it would be early on is reassuring. Take care of your body! Learn more about BRCA Gene Testing Here*

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