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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just Take a Moment

She drove me crazy today my little one. No matter what I did she wasn't happy. We played 5 minutes later she started with the "Eeeeeee". I try to find humor in it and say "i-E-i-E-i-O"but after a while the humor fades. When my husband came home even he saw her frustration. She's been teething, 6 months old and a tooth already broke through. Young but beginning of the teething journey ahead. I spoke with a girlfriend today and joked how when they are babies we blame their moodiness on their teething and when they get older we blame it on their hormones.

I think she felt my energy. I was tired and a little frustrated. They say kids feed off of our moods. Sometimes I believe it. 

She finally fell asleep. She had some milk still on her lips as she closed her eyes. I normally run to place her in her crib. But not tonight. 

Tonight I laid her on my chest. I could feel her heart beating and hear her little breathes in my ear. If felt good. It helped calm me and her. Just for a moment everything else I needed to be doing could be put on hold. This peacefulness was good for my soul. 

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