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Monday, March 10, 2014

Save with Perrigo Nutritionals Products, Plus GIVEAWAY

With a third child on the way it is only normal to start to cut spending in areas where we can but when it comes to food we always focus on Taste. Well I had the great pleasure of testing out some Perrigo Nutritionals Products and I must say you def save on price without skimping out on taste with their products plus my 1 year old LOVES them!

Cost Saving Tips:

Did you know that you  can save up to 50 percent on infant formula by choosing a store brand over a national brand**
· Store Brand Formula is nutritionally comparable to the national brands, yet are typically up to half the price, and can save you about $600 a year
· Perrigo Nutritionals is the largest supplier of Store Brand Infant Formula and nutrition products in the world and one of only four companies recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for meeting the strict FDA requirements for safety, nutrition and quality for infant formula-manufacturing in the United States
· Same standards and expertise used to develop infant formula applied to toddler foods
· Toddler foods are appropriately developed for variety of stages of growth and motor skills with quality, nutritional ingredients to create foundation of good nutrition
More Tips:
Wife, mother, blogger extraordinaire Crystal Paine’s new book, “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life”, is full of advice on how to not only save, but set priorities and manage time and money. Check out here to purchase a copy

Tell me what's your favorite money saving tip and you too can enter a chance to win a gift pack from Perrigo which includes:

  • A copy of “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your  Passion for Life” by Crystal Paine
  • 1 container of store brand formula
  • 9 assorted Puree Pouches
  • 5 assorted Puffs
  • 4 assorted Yogurt Bites

  •  Add a Comment below for a chance to win. Winner announced April 1st. Please check back then   

    **The Perrigo Nutritionals product, information and two gift packs have been provided by Perrigo Nutritionals.


    caseyrusso said...

    thanks for the giveaway!

    JCN said...

    Hi Casey please tell us what's you're favorite money saving tip in order to enter a chance to win. Thanks!!!

    Ex: My favorite money saving tip is buying a larger package of chicken and in one night I prepare two dinners it saves time.

    kelly said...

    Great tip! My favorite money saving tip is to plan my family meals around the grocery store's flyer.

    Nancy said...

    My favorite money saving tip is to shop at the local farmer's market for the freshest and most affordable product. If your children are about 4 and up, it is an educational experience also!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    JCN said...

    Nancy congrats on winning the giveaway. Please email me your contact information at

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