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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

When I think of Thanksgiving I picture a time to gather for a meal prepared by the ones you love and give thanks for what you have. Well my morning DID not start that way.

My second one did not want to nap. I finally put her down and after my daughter decided to be on speaker phone with a call she woke up.

Then I attempted to let the children get dressed because that at times calmed them. Well big mistake letting my second one be without a diaper while I ran into the other room and looked for wipes. 

By this time I am fuming. My husband turns to me and says "maybe you should go for a drive" Instead I say next life no kids for me and pack the diaper bag. 

Guilt took over me and at that moment they are all calm. They look adorable in their dresses. And are getting along. I knew at that moment that yes the chaos sucks and makes you want to hid in a corner and cry but then it stops and you remember the joys of being a parent.

I always sing in my head "no body said it was easy" as a way to calm myself. 

Shockingly they were great the remaineder of the day.

Parent hood is rough but then it's wonderful. Rewarding. Beautiful. Fun. 

I am thankful! At times it's too much for me but then it all seems to get better. 

I realized my life is real. It's no fairy tales. It's what you see is what you get. It's good times and bad times. And fights and screaming and laughs and kisses. It's real. And I wouldn't change that for anything. 

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!

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