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Monday, March 9, 2015

Motherhood: it's so hard yet so beautiful

I sent my husband pictures he replied he loved them and was a little jealous. He was envious that he was at work all day and I was with them. He wanted to make sure I enjoyed the kids. Of course I do I said. But it's hard. I am exhausted. It's a lot of work and I work and taking care of them is work too. But it's beautiful and I love it and wish I could be with them all the time. Just like this. Calm and happy but that's not how it always is. But we work hard for them. To be able to give them what they need and want and in return they give us this unconditional love and understanding. They will grow up so fast and all the other stuff won't matter. I keep trying to tell myself to sometimes forget everything else and cuddle with them as much as possible. To play with them as much as I can. It's ok if dinner is served late or the house isn't spotless. It's ok because that doesn't matter to them. Me being with them matters to them.

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