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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Let Go and Live In The Present

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu

I just read this great article about why we need to stop overthinking things and live happily in our current moment. We all hold on to somewhat of our past that then effects our future but most of the time it brings out the bad in us vs the good.  Great article I found on the that says. 

Take a deep breath, and let go.

What are you still holding onto? What hurts can you not forgive?  and can you forgive yourself? It’s time that you give yourself the keys to your own freedom.


What is, what was and what is still to come.


For the hurts you have caused and hurts you have endured.


For everything and anything in your life that has value.


To humble yourself is to know that you are not above or beneath anyone else. Go easy on yourself, its o.k to not be perfect.


In time you will see, that you were exactly where you were supposed to be.

We dream of the future, to distract ourselves from the present, in order to forget the past. Heal the past, live in the present and don’t rush to the future. Life is a journey and it will all be over before you know it.

Read full article here:

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