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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mommy Dinners: We All Need Them

Every month a group of my mommy friends and I get together for dinner at a club they belong too. It's always a lot of fun. We then either stay there or venture out for a couple of drinks. Our conversations normally range from mommy talk to silly girl talk to a little town gossip etc... These monthly dinners are a must and if you don't do them you should start. 

The thing is we all have a lot to learn from one another. We all need a break too. We  have built a fun group and although we try to get together on the playground and play dates, these mommy nights gives us time to connect without our little ones tugging at our legs. 

It's probably been a good 8 months we have been doing them and each time it's a reminder that we are not alone and it's great to have cool chicks in your life who get you and can make you laugh.


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