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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Speak Up and Stand Up To What You Want!

As you can tell I am not afraid to share my opinion. I am a true believer if you don't like something or think changes need to take place you should stand up for it. Now there's a way to go about it. You have to make sure you gather facts and do it in a classy way to truly be heard. You can't be the loud one always or rude about it. But to justify the reason for the change you have to truly believe in it and that the change will benefit others. 

We don't always see results right away when we voice of opinion or request change but when we do see them it's pretty rewarding! 

A great example is I got into a pretty heated discussion with someone over changes I wanted to take place involving my child's education. It all had to do with increasing parent involvement. This took place about six months ago and today I noticed one of the changes I requested came into effect. I must say I was pretty excited about it. 

This change may be minor to others but it is something I stood up for and I was extremely pleased that the person took it into consideration. Now I walked out of the meeting feeling like I was heard and that my requests would be considered but to see it actually happen kindof brought tears to my eyes. 

Stand up for what you want. Don't create enemies because reality is the world is small and you never know when the tables will turn. Don't burn bridges or ties with anyone. But do gather your thoughts before you present a request and be prepared for people to not do what you ask. I am extremely pleased that I received the outcome I wanted and hope that this is a lesson to others to stand up for what they want. 

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