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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dear Mom... A Way To Connect

My 7 year old is already acting like a teenager and I am not yet prepared for it. I always pick her up from school and notice lately she's been giving me an attitude. Once we get in the car she breaks down and tells me what is bothering her. I wish from the beginning she will just say "something happened today but I don't want to discuss it." 

Other times when we are hanging or doing crafts or having dinner she will open up about her day. I know it sounds funny me writing about a 7 year old but for those who know my daughter she's an old soul trapped in a little body. She's extremely out going and smart and it breaks my heart when she's snappy because it forces me to put her back in line. 

Well a friend was telling me she gave her son a notebook. She said it can be a way for them to communicate with one another. I loved the idea and started it with her and it's amazing. She's asking me advice on certain things and I am responding back to her. It's something between us and with technology so advanced it's kindof nice to write to one another on a sheet of paper. Plus reading her thoughts makes me super happy. 

If your child has a hard time opening up or if you want to strengthen your relationship with them then I suggest trying this. It gives them a chance to open up and creates a bond between the two of you. Suggest it to them and say this is a notebook for just you and me. Write whatever you're feeling and I will reply back to you. 

It's not easy being a parent but it's also not easy being a child. We have to put ourselves back into their shoes and try to see the world through their little eyes. 

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