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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Saving Grace Turned 3

She turned 3 today. She's amazing! Her beauty melts my heart and her sponkyness keeps me sharp on my toes. I wanted her Birthday to be special. She saved my life.

 She's also my 2nd child and I felt a lot of events took place that kept me from giving her the attention I gave to my 1st. Cancer while pregnant with her. My Thyroid out 4 weeks after she was born. Left her for 10 days during my treatment when she was only 3 months old. Then I got pregnant when she was 8 months old and was tired a lot. So I always try extra hard to give her love. 

She is my quiet one. Very to herself but she's my buddy and extremely smart.  She's becoming more Vocal and I love it. I want to make her happy and I think I achieved it. Family party. Stamford Nature center. Out to lunch. Pizza and cake for dinner. Thomas the Train everything. She's my 3 year old. She melts me heart. 

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