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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Perception of How Things Should Be

We all have this perception of how life should be. My girlfriend has had a series of bad relationships. She's in her late thirties. She's unhappy because she always thought by this stage of her life she would be married with kids and now she's single and down about life. 

Another friend in his late forties thinks he shouldn't be struggling anymore. Should have life figured out. Should have a solid career and be financially stable. Always wondering why set backs happen preventing stability. 

Another friend who is in his mid thirties and hasn't found his career path and feels he's spinning his wheels and not going anywhere. Constantly losing focus and career changes making it hard to save for a bigger house and stability. 

Another friend who didn't have a successful first marriage and now struggling with her second. She's always trying to get ahead and fears the thought of going through a second divorce in her mid thirties. 

Another friend in her mid thirties can't get pregnant. Everyone around her is starting families and her and her spouse don't know why they haven't been blessed yet with a family. 

I won't lie. My perception of how my life would be at this point isn't what it really is either. 

We all have a story. The hard thing is to say to yourself it's ok. My current situation is what it is and in the long term will be better. Then months and years pass and things are at a stand still. 

It's hard the pressure we put on ourselves as to what our lives "should" be verse what it is. The pressure causes us to not enjoy our current state and as the time passes we get older and keep thinking "when things get better I will be happy."

That's not it. We have to try to enjoy the waves of life along the way. It's so not easy. Trust me I know first hand. Have you ever asked yourself "Is this really it?" Or say "I will finally be happy when...." 

What perception are YOU caught up on that is stealing away the happiness of your current state? What steps do YOU take to let that go ?

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