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Friday, April 8, 2016

Envision The Life You Want

I remember a friend said to me who lost her husband that she went to a therapy session and said to her therapist she was depressed. She said I don't want to get out of bed in the morning and her therapist responded "but you DO get out of bed right?" Her response was yes. So her therapist said "you aren't truly depressed. You're down but you keep moving. You will be ok."

That's life. You keep moving. You take the bad and appreciate the good. You want to run and hide or sleep away the troubles when life throws a curve ball. I know trust me. But you have to get up and say it's going to be a better day and keep moving. You get out of bed so that's a plus. 

Wake up tomorrow and remember no matter what's happening you get up and go about your day. Being positive helps. Envisioning things will be the way YOU want it to be helps create that vision.  

It's like the "secret" when they say live the life you want and the reality will come true. Act like you already have what you are working towards and it all falls into place. You got up today so that alone shows that you're moving in the right direction. 

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