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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Everything I Didn't Expect The Summer To Be

My goal this summer was to not set the alarm. Not run around. No packing snacks and lunches and diapers bags. Yep that's exactly what it has been. 

What would have been a great thought and a restful goal turned into something bigger and better. 

After enrolling my daughter in a free library camp for a week she went from "no camps for me mom" mode to please sign me up for more. So I rushed around searching for any camps with spots open and found a two week baseball program. Yay I thought. That will keep one kid happy and active. 

My middle child is young but has some speech problems. Her hearing is normal but I still was determined to get services to help better her. Luckily a friend shared a camp she saw hosted through the school system and I was able to get her in and guess 

So my thoughts of not setting alarms turned into running around in the morning dropping off and picking up my two oldest children at camp. 

The plus side is I get some solo time with my little one while her sisters are both happy enjoying camp. What would have been a stress free goal turned into a let's keep the kids happy goal. As we all know life never actually goes as planned. Just go with it!


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