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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

90 Day Challenge...What Challenge

So our 90 day challenge was a bust. I mean once you fall off the wagon it's hard to get back on. I did loose 7lbs but slacked the rest of the summer. It was an amazing summer and by the end I was walking around in my bathing suit and not caring. I mean I do care but this is who I am. I can't hide the fact that at night I rather be checking emails and following up on Social Media or writing on my blog instead of working out. I mean who enjoys working out at 10:00 pm. 

But with that being said I found a gym with daycare and plan on joining so I can work out in the morning while the older girls are in school. It's not just about exercising for the body but also for the brain. Helps relieve some stress, actually lots of stress! Time to release those built up toxins and sweat it out! It's good to have goals, right?!

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