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Friday, August 19, 2016

Take The Time So You Can Be The Best Mom

This couldn't be more true. Take that time out for you so you can come back and be better. We all been there and we all need those things. This morning is a great example. 

My sister uses my sitter Friday Mornings for a couple of hours so she has some "me" time and this morning I will be joining her for some pampering, my mom suggestion not mine but I
must admit I am looking forward to

Women we need to have each others back and help when we think we are breaking. If you don't want to pay a sitter then take turns watching eachother's kids so you can get a break and then give a mom a break. It's great Karma

Whoever says you have to be a Mom 24-7 also has to realize you are a person under that Mommy mask who needs to
take time to be good to her. 

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