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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Thank A Coach

Today I stood in as the coach for my daughter's soccer team. Now these are only 3-5 year olds but it's crazy how much work it was. Yeah it was a blast. Yes the kids were super cute and we hardly had any criers but it was work. 

Parents stop complaining. Parents thank your child's coach. Coaches do this as volunteers. Most leave work early or miss family time to be there helping your kids. Yes most coach teams their child is one but have you ever realized how nice it is to sit on side lines and watch. Coaches don't. 

I was wearing my FitBit and in 1 hour coaching I took 5,000 steps. I didn't play soccer. I was walking back and forth but constantly moving. Switching players out. Making sure everyone got a chance to play. Make sure no one was crying or upset. It was work. So to all the parents whose child plays a sport. Go out of your way and thank their coach! 

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