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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Why Social Media Is A Funny Thing

Let's face it you have those who love social media and those who hate it. My clients actually pay me to run their social media accounts because let's face it I am one of the ones who loves it. 

I am a mom who works from home. I don't get everyday interaction like full time working moms do. So social media is my outlet. I use it for the news. I use it for product updates. I use it to share my life...which yes sometimes I tend to be personal but I never post anything I wouldn't say to someone in conversation. I say what I post. It's just who I am. 

Here's where it can get tricky...
People who don't share much are looking, and I mean constantly looking. Don't kid yourself they are there watching. Which is totally fine because those who share on social media share for a reason. You share to share your story or events or to be inspired, or post to do the inspiring. Those who do not is totally fine but it's like going to the gym. You should never mock, judge, make fun of or use something against someone you see working out. They are trying to better themselves. They are trying new things, taking a chance, improving themselves sharing so others see they can do it too. 

Ok ok so maybe this is a better explanation. Social media connects you to avenues you can't connect solo anymore. It helps you stay connected to people near and far. I have a lot of family overseas and we feel close from connecting on social media. I have learned about a ton of events and deals from social media. 

Where things get personal...never take anything on the internet personal. Never let it cause a fight or judge a character or ruin friendships or cause family drama. Set that aside. If you're going to use social media be prepared for what you see and hear and those posting be prepared to be judged...because you will be whether people tell you or not. But most of all do it because you have good intentions whether posting or viewing. Don't view to judge! Don't post to cause trouble. 

Social media sites have really taken over all our free time so when you use it try to let it be worthwhile and most of all try to use it in a positive way. 

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