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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Keep Traditions Alive...Palm Crosses

Every year I buy a Palm Cross for the grandparents graves. It's something I have always done. Today I found out my daughter will be cantoring on Palm Sunday at Church. I am so excited I said " It's my favorite day" "Why mom?" she asked. "Well when I was a little girl we would go to church every Palm Sunday and get the palms we would then go to my mom's aunt's house. I would get to see my second cousins and my great aunt would give us $5 and after have lunch with the family at my grandparents. It is more special to me than Easter. "

I brought the girls to the cemetery to put this cross in front of my grandparents' grave we saw a ton of birds. "Wow" I said "It's  like their souls are here." My daughter said "Of course mom, their souls are still walking around us." I replied " I hope you girls will carry out this tradition one day and always bring a cross when you get older." 

It's this little memories that stick with you. 

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