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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Don’t Ever Doubt Yourself..You’re Doing Great!

These girls rocked their Championship Game Tonight. I try not to be that Mom who yells on the side lines. I try to remain calm. But this game had me on the edge of my seat. Screaming cheering. After overtime I was amazed and really believed both teams were winners for playing their hearts out. I coached one game against this same team they played tonight a couple weeks ago since her Dad couldn’t coach and it was not easy. We lost that game. But tonight. These girls rocked. 

There’s a moment of being a parent when you question the stress in your life. When you don’t want your kids to feel the pain or anger you go through. I try to be happy and calm around them. Some days I say I can do better. Be better. Show them all my love. Not let my stresses affect my parenting. You doubt yourself at times. 

Then this magic moment happens. Your kid runs to you as soon as she wins. She’s running to share with you the pride that they won. And you stop and think damn I am doing things right. All my hard work and it shows how much I truly deeply do love these kids with my everything and they too appreciate it!

That’s priceless!

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