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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Feel Good Song: Lean On Me

I was 13-15 years old. A group of five of us girls used to always hang out. I mean we spent everyday together. Summer we alternated whose house to sleep over. This song was “our song”. I know sounds silly but remember that age. Where life is “hard” yeah if we only knew then what we know now. But really was a shaping point in my life. 

This song came on this morning as I am bringing all my girls to school the first time this week. My oldest is in the front seat next to me. I am singing my lungs out to this. She looks at me like I am crazy. It’s perfect. I am such a person to push her buttons just to get a grin out of her. She asks me to turn it off and to stop singing but I don’t. I drop her off and while I am driving to the other school my youngest says. Hey mom turn it up, I actually like this song. 

My girl. 

It’s funny how music hits us. How one song brings a flood of emotions and memories. It actually put me in a great mood. The crazy stories. The journey. Being young and thinking we are so powerful and nothing can harm us or hurt us. The courage we had verse now. Amazing. 

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