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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Your Only Power is Within

When you’re balanced. Have control. You become untouchable. The things that damaged you no longer damage you. The pain you once had actually gave you power. It’s hard to manifest but once you do amazing things happen to you. 

Over and over again women in my life said if you leave a door half open you’ll never allow someone else the opportunity to come in. They were right. Once I fully closed that door shut within 48 hrs I opened a new door and let someone else in. It was pretty crazy and amazing.  Unpredictable. Unplanned. Sort of just happened. 

Don’t deny yourself the power of happiness. To remain calm. To have control over your feelings and emotions. It’s an everyday job but worth it. Never ever leave a door somewhat open to an opportunity or person who isn’t willing to give you what you fully need or deserve. When you do you pass up opportunities to people and situations that deserve to be in your life. You deserve happiness. You deserve calm, happy, good situations. You deserve good conversations and company. You deserve to remain calm and not allow people or a situation to trigger you. 

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