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Friday, November 29, 2019

I Already Have All That I Need

Holidays are a time for people to come back into your life and confuse you a bit. So of course I got a random Happy Thanksgiving from someone who did super shock me. I responded and they kept it short. I was then a little mad about it but the thought it was ok. I already have all that I need in life. Anything else is extra. 

When I explain the situation to family and friends they even had the same reaction as to why they person would reach out. After kindof just slipping away. You have to be at a comfortable place in life mentally to know that situations like this will occur. You have the power to not let it affect you. 

So I replied to everyone “It’s ok I already have all that I need in life. Anything else is extra.”

And it’s true. For me and for you. Look at your life. Look at ALL the good. All of it. Every single positive thing about it.  Sure we all lack a small aspect but why let that small aspect be a focal point?!

Being at peace within means being happy with who you are and what you have and appreciating that you are getting everything you need. 

I came across this article that really was inspiring to read. 

All You Need, You Already Have

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