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Sunday, December 1, 2019

It’s Ok To Not Like Everyone

You’re not a fan of hers. I replied you’re right I am not. I don’t like how this person always throws jabs at me or interrupts me. I don’t like how they get carried away. You don’t like her. No I don’t and it’s ok. I also don’t like how their voice changes triggers me. I know I have to keep conversations short because they will escalate. I don’t like to be around people I am on guard with. I like to be myself. 

I think what’s not ok is if I caused a fight when I was with this person or made them uncomfortable or hurt their feelings. I don’t. I just ignore them. I am quiet around them and keep my distance and that’s ok. 

I think people think we are suppose to love and care and be nice to everyone. I don’t think you have to. I think you have to keep peace but keep your distance. I think you shouldn’t talk bad about them or hurt them but if someone hurts you or doesn’t make you feel good it’s ok to separate yourself from that person. Just because this person acts one way with someone doesn’t mean how she acts with me is the same because it’s not. 

It’s ok to distance yourself respectfully. I think it’s time you take charge of your life and focus your energy on surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good. 

I also think if problems can be fixed sure fix them but some issues go back a lifetime and well just keeping the peace seems to be the best solution. Some relationships and friendships can’t be repaired. You can be civil but don’t force things. Accept them and carry on. 

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