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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Start Over Everyday

Let go of everything that disappoints you. Restart today and everyday. Change your mind set. Let go of hurt from your past. Focus on new beginnings and the journey of life what your life can be verse what it is.  

With the New Year it’s a reminder that everyday can be something new. Accept your pain and fears. Allow your truths to surface. Heal and move forward. Accept things that didn’t work out for you one day it will make sense. 

2019 held a ton of learning opportunities. Growing pains and joys. I am starting and ending my year with intentions to be a better version of me. To no longer be second in anyone’s life. To know the right people always are by my side and choose me. No more confusion. No more settling. No one being on the sidelines or someone’s pastime. Why would you anyway!!

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