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Monday, January 13, 2020

Learn How To Play The Game

Dimes. Triple numbers. My right hand was itching I said to my girlfriend money is coming in. Next day I messaged her I received notification to get money back on something. 

I started to laugh. 

Our thoughts attract. The universe brings what we focus on. 

I knew a situation with a friend was not going the way I hoped. I couldn’t handle it so I pushed it away. I knew the outcome even though I didn’t want to accept it. But my mind body and soul knew. 

Listen to your intuition. Learn how to play the real game of “life”. 

Another friend I thanked for being their for me in 2019. I kept thinking of him for some reason and everytime he reached out after I thought of him. 

Your mind is powerful. Your actions are powerful. Your intuition is super powerful. 


You don’t realize how powerful you are. Embrace it and use it towards your good. 

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