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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Let’s Grow Together...Maybe But Not Yet

When you have a strong tribe you encourage one another to grow. So I have a girlfriend who sent me this. 

“RELATIONSHIP TUES: It's a myth that you can't love another until you love yourself. We're able to grow with another as long as we're capable of being open to what's reflected back to us: our defenses, projections, wounds, triggers, our shadow.“

Yeah I am not ready for that I told her. I don’t think it’s NOT possible. To do think it’s possible when you have the right partner. When you’re aligned you can talk it out and work it out and help another grow and handle fears and heal wounds and work out your triggers. BUT I haven’t found that person yet and with my track record I don’t trust myself yet to do this with someone. 

Will I one day? Absolutely because see we don’t stop changing and growing. Right?! We always have to learn and we will make mistakes. We aren’t perfect. You need a person who will love you through those things. Who can sit you down and say listen what’s going on with you or why are reacting this way, can we chat it out. Then you work it out and grow together. I never had that. I want that. I had it with friendships. I may have had it short term with a guy but nothing that could have grown into something. I just need to first understand why I chose the people I chose so I learn to not repeat those patterns. That I learn to heal and love myself fully to never allow myself to get into a situation or relationship that isn’t serving or bringing out my highest good. 

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