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Friday, January 17, 2020

You Attract What You Think

I kept saying my best time was my alone time. When I just focused on me and my kids and my work and family and friends around me. When I had no pressure to find someone who was aligned with what I wanted and needed. 

So a couple years later and I am back at that point. Not saying we don’t want a companion.  In due time. I am saying I had to work through some patterns and break cycles to realize maybe just maybe deep down I wanted to be where I once was. In peace. With myself and my current state of life. I just kindof did it myself. I attracted my current state...being alone again just focusing on what I need and my kids and work and family and friends. I appreciate those I met along my journey but when you’re at peace you are calm and you glow differently and sleep differently and appreciate life differently. 

Be content with your life too and if you’re not then please make a change. 💜

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